
Super Secret Test Post

If you can, please test out the new social log-in buttons (Facebook, Google, etc).


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla sed ante eros. Nunc laoreet malesuada feugiat. Nulla rhoncus metus risus, vel molestie dui porta sed. Cras sit amet metus a nunc fermentum cursus laoreet id risus. Pellentesque scelerisque pulvinar sapien convallis ornare. Cras sit amet nibh turpis. Duis eros tortor, mollis et fringilla eget, mollis eget justo.

Pellentesque vehicula rutrum eros, non dignissim nibh gravida quis. Ut id metus enim. Curabitur ut tortor malesuada, sollicitudin ipsum ac, fermentum est. Proin ullamcorper tincidunt rutrum. Fusce lorem sem, laoreet a sollicitudin a, cursus nec urna. Integer pharetra mi non urna elementum rhoncus. Nulla ante dolor, suscipit vitae arcu a, molestie condimentum dui. Suspendisse arcu felis, vulputate sit amet eros sit amet, aliquam cursus nisl. Donec hendrerit ex quis augue egestas sagittis. Sed faucibus, turpis nec aliquet semper, nunc lectus varius libero, quis elementum tellus purus vel dolor.

Quisque sit amet orci tellus. Proin sapien lectus, ornare vitae elementum et, cursus quis elit. Proin congue sollicitudin nisi, quis gravida elit tincidunt eu. Vivamus eu venenatis ante. Suspendisse potenti. Sed nec lobortis lacus, id dapibus est. Fusce nec convallis lacus, a gravida nisi.

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I’m not seeing such a button. I did find the one for inserting an image.

Edit: didn’t have to wait for a moderator this time.

Last edited 3 years ago by Lightdefender
Stormy Sto Helit

Ugh, it’s not showing on mobile. I’ll play with it tomorrow and see if I can do anything about that



Very nice.


Google seems to work.

Hey, I get an option to edit when I do that? Still has to go through the moderation queue, though.

Last edited 3 years ago by Lightdefender
Misti, a.k.a. Carradee

Facebook button looks to not work, but others seem to work.

Edit: Ability to edit Disqus comments confirmed.

Last edited 3 years ago by Misti, a.k.a. Carradee
Stormy Sto Helit

One stupid URL was wrong in the FB settings, working now. 🙂

Stormy Sto Helit

  :magsknife: Woo!

Alex Hollins

Facebook works.

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