
Welcome to the Launch of Ash and Blue

Welcome, Old Friends & New Recruits

By Stormy

By now, hopefully you’d read our announcement on Cookie, if not, read that first.

So this is our new site, it’s a work-in-progress leading up to our launch on September 13. Take a look around, see what we’re working on, what we’re going to add, and feel free to point out anything we may have missed.

We’ve got quite a few things that the old Cookie site didn’t, including:

  • Content/Trigger Warnings (I’m hitting the major/obvious ones, PM me on Discord if there’s something you need tagged)
  • Worldbuilding info, including definitions and descriptions of terms and magic/tech used within the series.
  • FAQ for stuff that doesn’t fit anywhere else
  • Art gallery, of official and fan art

So How is This Going To Work?

Every second Friday (bi-weekly, cause Shade and I are the leaders of the useless bisexual people 😛 ), at 13:37pm (l33t o’clock, because I am a dork and this amuses me), the new chapter will drop.

The chapter will have the BuzzSprout embedded podcast chapter (listen on the page or direct download), with links to iTunes and Spotify (those latter two are at the whims of whenever they get processed through the system, so if they are your preferred way of listening, set up your podcatcher 🙂 ).

The text-version of the chapter will also be immediately available (if anyone needs an additional format, such as PDF/Kindle for each chapter for accessibility reasons, PM me on Discord and I can start setting this up ahead of the launch date).

You listen/read, have feelings and chat about it in the comments or on the Discord.

You Keep Mentioning the Discord

I do, don’t I? Come plaaaaay with us.

Ash and Blue

15 User(s) Online Join Server

What About Other Social Stuff?

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AshandBlue/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AshBluePodcast
Mailing List: http://eepurl.com/Xfb3L
Contact Email: stormystohelit@gmail.com

How Can I Help?

There’s a few ways:

  1. Encourage us with coffee and chocolate over chat.
  2. Pledge on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/AshandBlue
  3. Share one (or more!) of these pull quotes with a link back here.

Pull Quotes
